Developing the Tourism Market for Cook Islands: What is currently being done and future opportunities?

Metua Vaiimene of Cook Islands Tourism Corporation participated at the recent agritourism workshop held in Cook Islands organised by the Cook Island Government in collaboration with CTA, PIPSO, SPTO, SPC, IFAD. The aim of the workshop was to support a national policy linking agriculture and tourism and promoting more sourcing of local food by the hotel industry and more use of local ingredients in the cuisine proposed to the tourists.

Metua shared some recent developments happening in the country. Recently The Cook Islands Tourism Corporation launched the Takurua project which is the food and feasts festival of Cook Island traditional food. This event was put together by a committee that comprises of key stakeholders and players in the tourism industry, local chefs and supported by donors and sponsors. The event enabled local chefs to work with international chefs to prepare international cuisines using local foods. The launch of the Takurua project was followed by the establishment of Takurua Trust and brand, the publication of the Takura booklet and the establishment of the working groups on community projects to identify areas where they need to improve on and to address challenges.

Moving forward, the Cook Island Tourism Corporation will develop strategies to document the food heritage, promote linkages, use technology, install basic facilities, engage partners for activities and promote the food event in the Tourism Calendar of Cook Islands.

More information about Agritourism in the Cook Islands

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